Shadow Throw: A shadow clone appears to grab and throw the opponent into the air.Shadow Charge: Noob sends forth a shadow to tackle the opponent.The clones can perfom various attacks while Noob stays back at a distance, and they normally disappear after performing a hit or two. Shadow Clones: Noob can create clones of himself made of pure shadows, which he uses to attack the opponent from multiple directions.It even prevents his opponent from blocking or parrying any blows that come their way, leaving them defenseless to attack. Disabler: Noob can throw a ball of ghostly energy at his enemies, which prevents them from using any spells or abilities.Wraith Physiology: Ever since he met his end at Scorpion's hand, Noob has been a wraith of the Netherrealm.Purged of his humanity, Bi-Han was reborn as the wraith known as Noob Saibot, where he would serve as one of Quan Chi's enforcers and assassins for the rest of eternity.

Death was not the end for Bi-Han, however, as the evil in his heart from his deeds as an assassin brought him to the 5th Plane of the Netherrealm to face a terrible fate unknown even to the thunder god Raiden, where he was resurrected by the demon sorceror Quan Chi. Bi-Han was killed by Scorpion, who believed Bi-Han murdered his family and clan during the Shirai Ryu Though he and his fellow Lin Kuei, the soon-to-be cyborgs Cyrax and Sektor, accepted the offer as their order was approached with a contract for the sorcerer's head.

He was invited to attend the Mortal Kombat tournament hosted by Shang Tsung. In life, Bi-Han was a cold-blooded and violent assassin in the Lin Kuei known as Sub-Zero.